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apihelp-query+filearchive-paramvalue-prop-description (토론) (번역) Adds description of the image version.
apihelp-query+filearchive-paramvalue-prop-dimensions (토론) (번역) Alias for size.
apihelp-query+filearchive-paramvalue-prop-mediatype (토론) (번역) Adds the media type of the image.
apihelp-query+filearchive-paramvalue-prop-metadata (토론) (번역) Lists Exif metadata for the version of the image.
apihelp-query+filearchive-paramvalue-prop-mime (토론) (번역) Adds MIME of the image.
apihelp-query+filearchive-paramvalue-prop-parseddescription (토론) (번역) Parse the description of the version.
apihelp-query+filearchive-paramvalue-prop-sha1 (토론) (번역) Adds SHA-1 hash for the image.
apihelp-query+filearchive-paramvalue-prop-size (토론) (번역) Adds the size of the image in bytes and the height, width and page count (if applicable).
apihelp-query+filearchive-paramvalue-prop-timestamp (토론) (번역) Adds timestamp for the uploaded version.
apihelp-query+filearchive-paramvalue-prop-user (토론) (번역) Adds user who uploaded the image version.
apihelp-query+filerepoinfo-description (토론) (번역) Return meta information about image repositories configured on the wiki.
apihelp-query+filerepoinfo-example-simple (토론) (번역) Get information about file repositories.
apihelp-query+filerepoinfo-param-prop (토론) (번역) Which repository properties to get (there may be more available on some wikis): ;apiurl:URL to the repository API - helpful for getting image info from the host. ;name:The key of the repository - used in e.g. <var>[[mw:Manual:$wgForeignFileRepos|$wgForeignFileRepos]]</var> and [[Special:ApiHelp/query+imageinfo|imageinfo]] return values. ;displayname:The human-readable name of the repository wiki. ;rooturl:Root URL for image paths. ;local:Whether that repository is the local one or not.
apihelp-query+fileusage-description (토론) (번역) Find all pages that use the given files.
apihelp-query+fileusage-example-generator (토론) (번역) Get information about pages using [[:File:Example.jpg]].
apihelp-query+fileusage-example-simple (토론) (번역) Get a list of pages using [[:File:Example.jpg]].
apihelp-query+fileusage-param-limit (토론) (번역) How many to return.
apihelp-query+fileusage-param-namespace (토론) (번역) Only include pages in these namespaces.
apihelp-query+fileusage-param-prop (토론) (번역) Which properties to get:
apihelp-query+fileusage-param-show (토론) (번역) Show only items that meet these criteria: ;redirect:Only show redirects. ;!redirect:Only show non-redirects.
apihelp-query+fileusage-paramvalue-prop-pageid (토론) (번역) Page ID of each page.
apihelp-query+fileusage-paramvalue-prop-redirect (토론) (번역) Flag if the page is a redirect.
apihelp-query+fileusage-paramvalue-prop-title (토론) (번역) Title of each page.
apihelp-query+gadgetcategories-description (토론) (번역) Returns a list of gadget categories.
apihelp-query+gadgetcategories-example-1 (토론) (번역) Get a list of existing gadget categories
apihelp-query+gadgetcategories-example-2 (토론) (번역) Get all information about categories named "foo" and "bar"
apihelp-query+gadgetcategories-param-names (토론) (번역) Names of categories to retrieve.
apihelp-query+gadgetcategories-param-prop (토론) (번역) What gadget category information to get: ;name:Internal category name. ;title:Category title. ;members:Number of gadgets in category.
apihelp-query+gadgets-description (토론) (번역) Returns a list of gadgets used on this wiki.
apihelp-query+gadgets-example-1 (토론) (번역) Get a list of gadgets along with their descriptions
apihelp-query+gadgets-example-2 (토론) (번역) Get a list of gadgets with all possible properties
apihelp-query+gadgets-example-3 (토론) (번역) Get a list of gadgets belonging to category "foo"
apihelp-query+gadgets-example-4 (토론) (번역) Get information about gadgets "foo" and "bar"
apihelp-query+gadgets-example-5 (토론) (번역) Get a list of gadgets enabled by current user
apihelp-query+gadgets-param-allowedonly (토론) (번역) List only gadgets allowed to current user.
apihelp-query+gadgets-param-categories (토론) (번역) Gadgets from what categories to retrieve.
apihelp-query+gadgets-param-enabledonly (토론) (번역) List only gadgets enabled by current user.
apihelp-query+gadgets-param-ids (토론) (번역) IDs of gadgets to retrieve.
apihelp-query+gadgets-param-prop (토론) (번역) What gadget information to get: ;id:Internal gadget ID. ;metadata:The gadget metadata. ;desc:Gadget description transformed into HTML (can be slow, use only if really needed).
apihelp-query+imageinfo-description (토론) (번역) Returns file information and upload history.
apihelp-query+imageinfo-example-dated (토론) (번역) Fetch information about versions of [[:File:Test.jpg]] from 2008 and later.
apihelp-query+imageinfo-example-simple (토론) (번역) Fetch information about the current version of [[:File:Albert Einstein Head.jpg]].
apihelp-query+imageinfo-param-end (토론) (번역) Timestamp to stop listing at.
apihelp-query+imageinfo-param-extmetadatafilter (토론) (번역) If specified and non-empty, only these keys will be returned for $1prop=extmetadata.
apihelp-query+imageinfo-param-extmetadatalanguage (토론) (번역) What language to fetch extmetadata in. This affects both which translation to fetch, if multiple are available, as well as how things like numbers and various values are formatted.
apihelp-query+imageinfo-param-extmetadatamultilang (토론) (번역) If translations for extmetadata property are available, fetch all of them.
apihelp-query+imageinfo-param-limit (토론) (번역) How many file revisions to return per file.
apihelp-query+imageinfo-param-localonly (토론) (번역) Look only for files in the local repository.
apihelp-query+imageinfo-param-metadataversion (토론) (번역) Version of metadata to use. If <kbd>latest</kbd> is specified, use latest version. Defaults to <kbd>1</kbd> for backwards compatibility.
apihelp-query+imageinfo-param-prop (토론) (번역) Which file information to get:
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